
Here at Wentworth we are excited to meet the monsters who are going to help us become phenomenal readers and writers!
Meet the Monsters of Monster Phonics Land

Black Cats
The Black Cats spend time in the haunted house with Tricky Witch and the Silent Ghosts. They are helping us to learn the first basic sounds in our language.
For example "c-a-t" says "cat".
Sometimes two of the black cat letters will appear together but will only make one sound. When we see this, we call it a digraph. For example; "ch" for "chip", "sh" for "shop", "ng" for "bang", "ck" for "duck".
Angry Red A
Angry Red A lives in a cave in Monster Phonic Land. He likes to say "ay, ay, ay!". Angry Red A colours all the following "a" spellings red; a, a-e, ay, ai, ei, eigh, ea, ey.
For example: crazy, cake, play, rain, reindeer, sleigh, break, they.

Green Froggy
Green Froggy lives in a teapot in Monster Phonic Land. She is teacher and likes to say "ee, ee, ee!". Green Froggy colours all the following "e" spellings green; e, y, ee, ea, ie, ey, ei, e-e.
For example: he, silly, sheep, tea, chief, donkey, ceiling, extreme.
Yellow I
Yellow I lives in a lighthouse, keeping watch over all the monsters in Monster Phonic Land. He likes to say "i, i, i". Yellow I colours all the following "i" spellings yellow; i, i-e, y, igh, ie, y-e.
For example: hi, ice, sky, high, pie, rhyme.

Miss Oh No
Miss Oh No lives in a doughnut in Monster Phonic Land. She is always bumping into things and saying "oh no!". Miss Oh No colours all the following "o" spellings pink; o, o-e, oa, ow.
For example: go, rose, boat, bow.
U-Hoo lives in the outer universe above Monster Phonics Land. When he is feeling lonely he shouts "U-Hoo!" to the monsters below. U-Hoo colours all the following "u" spellings purple; u, u-e, ew, ue.
For example: uniform, cube, few, due.

Cool Blue
Cool Blue lives in a Blue Moon House in Monster Phonic Land. He is a DJ and likes to sing "oo, oo, oo!". Cool Blue colours all the following "oo" spellings blue; u, o, u-e, oo, ew, ue, ou, ui, o-e, eu, oe.
For example: flu, flute, spoon, grew, blue, soup, fruit, shoe.

Brown Owl
Brown Owl lives at the top of a mountain in Monster Phonic Land. She loves to read comics and likes to say "OW, OW, OW!". Brown Owl colours all the following "ow" spellings brown; ow, ou.
For example: crown, shout.

Tricky Witch
Tricky Witch likes to trick children by changing the sounds they know so well into other letters. She colours all of the tricky letters gold.
For example: magic, the, was, all.
Silent Ghosts
Silent Ghosts live in the haunted house with Tricky Witch. They sneak into words but make no sound. Silent Ghosts colour all of the silent letters white. We never say the silent ghost sound, but we must remember where the silent ghosts are in words so that we can spell them correctly.
For example: when, your, castle.